Recycled Paper

Regular toilet and tissue paper uses wood fibre, largely from plantations. Plantations are monocultures that often displace our native forests. Native forests absorb carbon dioxide, act as water catchments and are home to animals and much biodiversity. By using paper made from paper pulp with recycled content, you reduce demand for native forest logging. Post-consumer-waste paper is even more preferable as it has been used once and then collected for recycling.

Each ton of post-consumer-waste recycled paper saves 17 trees, 26,000 litres of water, and 4,100 kwh of energy — enough to power the average home for six months.

  • Choose toilet paper with recycled content. Brands include SAFE, Treefree, Eve, Naturale, Ecosoft, Envirosoft, Nature Soft, Forest free, Elite, Earthwise & Softex. Choose those with paper wrapping where possible. See  Wipe for Wildlife.
  • Avoid paper products that have been bleached with chlorine (toxic). Look for unbleached as first preference, or oxygen-bleached, total chlorine-free, or elemental chlorine free, as a second preference.