Do it differently this Christmas!

I buy. I wrap. I give. I get. I get caught up. It's easy to become lost up in the busyness, anxiety and the frenzy of over-consumption at Christmas time.

So how do we reclaim the essence of Christmas? One that reframes relationships as being more important than possessions and quality time more significant than the rush. One that recognises that all our purchasing choices are connected to wider issues in the world and there is a story behind all the things we buy and receive.

This guide explores some things you can do to make a difference with the way you celebrate this Christmas. There are many positive choices you can make for the health of the planet, your community, and yourself.

It may be buying a ham that hasn't travelled halfway around the globe to get to you, or choosing a non-factory farmed turkey. Perhaps you could choose coffee where the owner of the company has guaranteed a fair wage to the plantation workers, or seafood that has been fished in a sustainable manner. You can also avoid companies with a negative track record, and find good gift alternatives that minimise waste.


There are options for better buys within the supermarket and department store. Yet at the same time, the real answers are in supporting alternatives beyond. We’ve tried to give you a sense of what to look for, but also outlined some resources to help you where to find local, free range, organic, sustainable and waste free options.

Remember to focus on one issue at a time. Your choices do make a difference, but at the same time it’s no use being overwhelmed. Do what you can with the resources available.

This Christmas guide is designed as a companion to our Shop Ethical - the guide to Ethical Supermarket Shopping print guide and referenced throughout with links to the website.

We recommend you grab some print copies of our supermarket guide to give to friends and family this Christmas. It's a good way of speading the message and equiping people to make a difference in the preparation for Christmas.

All the best in having a great day and making it count this Christmas.