Ethical Clothing Australia (label)

“Ethical Clothing Australia provides textile, clothing and footwear businesses with practical resources to help ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations in Australia and offers a method to communicate this to consumers and buyers.

The Ethical Clothing Australia accreditation system is a voluntary system designed to help navigate the various mandatory legal obligations. It does this by facilitating a process that aims to build stronger relationships between the applicant, its suppliers and the Textile Clothing and Footwear Union of Australia (TCFUA). The TCFUA provides a compliance role to assist either a transition to, or verification of, compliance with the Award and relevant legislation.

The underlying principle of Ethical Clothing Australia’s various initiatives is transparency. When businesses ensure their supply chains are transparent, they can stay informed of all of the steps involved in the production of their products and minimise any potential cases of non-compliance with the relevant laws and regulations.

The Ethical Clothing Australia accreditation system is effectively the process of ‘mapping’ the applicant’s supply chain and verifying that all workers within it are receiving their legal entitlements. It provides practical mechanisms, in the form of formal agreements, for the applicant business to stay in control and ensure that it is able to set the conditions and arrangements throughout its supply chain.”

Ethical Clothing Australia

Please note, the focus of Ethical Clothing Australia accrediation and label is Australian-based supply chains and compliance with the relevant Australian laws.